Ningbo Inkred International Consulting Ltd

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Inkred International Consulting Ningbo Ltd. Visited Podium

Release Date:2019-05-11 00:00:00Clicks:3182

May 10th, 2019, Carrie Jiao, Vice General Manager of Inkred International Consulting Ningbo Ltd. (Sino-Italian Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Promotion Centre) paid her third visit to Podium concerning its intention of establishing a branch company in Ningbo China. Podium is an engineering services company that develops, designs and tests new energy battery packs. It has its own advanced technology laboratory that can test and validate a wide range of electric traction components, including motors, inverters, battery cells and battery packs. Since participating in the new energy vehicle event organized by Inkred in June 2018, Podium has been interested in entering the Chinese market. Inkred has actively answered Podium's doubts and various problems, trying to realize its early establishment in Ningbo.


Next: Inkred International Consulting Ningbo Ltd. Visited Caffè Vergnano