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Intelligent Manufacturing and International Talents Strategy Salon

Release Date:2019-11-27 00:00:00Clicks:8075

The intelligent manufacturing salon took place in Jinhui Town of Moon Lake, organized by Sino-Italian IMTP Centre, Ningbo Doctor Union, and Jiangxia Think Tank in the afternoon of November 26th, 2019.

The 4 guests, MS Emanuela Vizzarro, Senior Manager of Shanghai-Suzhou Office of CICC, Mr. FANG Jianxin, Secretary-General of Ningbo Doctor Union, Mr. REN Wenjie, President of Phase Motion Control China, and Mr. GUO Zhiming, Vice President of Joyson Group, gave their speeches focused on intelligent manufacturing and internationalization of talent, exchanged ideas with and more than 30 senior manager, HR experts, government officers.

MS Emanuela Vizzarro, Senior Manager of Shanghai-Suzhou Office of CICC indicated in her speech that China has a strong and visionary leadership system and is able to conduct strong "lobbying" at the international level. For Italian companies and talents, China’s history, culture and language are very complex. Italians working in China will show strong cultural differences when facing their partners and customers, which requires urgent integration.

Mr. FANG Jianxin, Secretary-General of Ningbo Doctor Union, took the theme of “Intelligent Manufacturing of Ningbo Expects high-level talents" and pointed out that the main problems existing in Ningbo's intelligent manufacturing talents include insufficient amount, uncoordinated structure, and inappropriate incentives. Therefore, it is important to introduce and cultivate intelligent technology talents, improve the mechanism for selecting talents, and unblock the channels for enterprises to use talents.

"There are several suggestions for improving the works of talents, including the establishment of a public service platform for talents, providing reliable information for the movement of talents, good living conditions, places for professional communications, etc. At the same time, we should update our concept of talent works, shifting from importing to using, let talents grow in practices, highlight their contributions, give them ample scope for their abilities, health development prospects and competitive incomes for their performance, "said Mr. FANG.

Mr. REN Wenjie, President of Phase Motion Control China expressed that Human capital is the root of everything for a company to do scientific innovation and make greater profits. We need to integrate them and learn from each other, regardless of their nationalities. Mr. REN said he hopes to apply intelligent manufacturing to the industrialization process, which is also the mission of Phase.

Mr. GUO Zhiming, Vice President of Joyson Group introduced Joyson Group ’s global development path from the perspective of the practice of international talents in Ningbo private enterprises. “We use global talents to support the company’s business development strategy. Our board members are experts from all over the world in various fields, including the chairman of the German Automobile Electronics Association, former BMW and Mercedes-Benz executives. We trust the original executive team, put our management personnel at all levels of the enterprise at a very important position, and let our professional and technical personnel play their roles. At the same time, we pay attention to the long-term incubation of Chinese employees, select suitable graduates for mid and long-term training. " Mr. GUO introduced.

In addition, Joyson Group ’s medium- and long-term equity incentive plan is also a “magic weapon” to retain talents. Joyson implemented an equity incentive plan for the first time in their acquisition of Preh in 2012, later in Joyson Preh Automation in 2018 and expanded the plan to the whole group in 2019 for long-term development goals and retain core talents.

In the discussions that followed, the participants expressed their views and opinions on combining the needs and training of technical personnel with companies’ usage and management of international talents.

The Ningbo Intelligent Manufacturing Salon is jointly organized by Sino-Italian IMTP Centre and Jiangxia Think Tank. The organizers will hold a series of salons that focuses on global cutting-edge technologies to promote the development of Ningbo's intelligent manufacturing industry.

Next: Vision systems: opportunities offered by artificial vision technologies from the Italian point of view