Marco Venturini
Born in 1954, Marco Venturini graduated from Politecnico di Milano with a doctoral degree in nuclear engineering in 1977. He is the founder and CTO of Phase Motion Control S.R.L. He is also the senior member of IEEE. Marco has devoted himself in technical research and development in UC Berkeley, Varta, Bedford Texas, Philips and Phase Motion Control S.R.L. and achieved over 10 patents and about 100 R&D projects.
Marco founded Phase Motion Control S.R.L. in 1986 and was honored as the “Outstanding Innovative Entrepreneur” of Italy in 2014.
Together with Mr. REN Wenjie and other Chinese shareholders, Marco Venturini co-founded Phase Motion Control Ningbo Ltd. in 2001, which is committed to become a solution provider in motion control and energy conversion areas. Marco made great contribution to Phase Motion Control Ningbo Ltd. in its importing, absorbing advanced technologies from Italy and setup of its own R&D team. Marco was selected was selected into The Recruitment Program of Global Experts and Zhejiang Westlake Friendship Award in 2015, Chinese Government Friendship Award in 2016.